Legal Info & Privacy Policy
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About Us

The BHLE is a private, non-profit, non-governmental California Public Benefit Corporation. The BHLE is a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). We are incorporated under California Corporations Code 10400, and have the power to appoint Humane Officers. All our officers have passed the California Humane Officer requirements, as well as additional requirements set forth by our organization. The BHLE operates solely on donations and is not affiliated with any government programs. The BHLE makes no attempts to claim affiliation with any police or government group.

By law, Humane Officers may exercise the powers of a peace officer at all places within the state in order to prevent the perpetration of any act of cruelty upon any animal and to that end may summon to his or her aid any bystander. A humane officer may use reasonable force necessary to prevent the perpetration of any act of cruelty upon any animal, and may make arrests for the violation of any penal law of this state relating to or affecting animals in the same manner as any peace officer and may also serve search warrants.

The BHLE is not affiliated with the LAPD or the LAPD Animal Task Force, though we have offered to assist them (as we have offered all law enforcement agencies). The BHLE will not be supplying officers for any government law enforcement agencies. We are not a government agency and certainly do not have any power within any government agency.

The only authorized description of BHLE and it's activities shall be from official BHLE statements and literature, or by official BHLE representatives. No other websites have been authorized to post information regarding the BHLE. Only the information at the BHLE website should be trusted as correct. To report a website that makes unauthorized claims or makes inappropriate references to the BHLE, please email


Privacy Policy

Contact Information
We only gather information that visitors are willing to give. Some of it is required to fill orders/donations (like names, shipping addresses, billing information, and phone numbers) or to maintain membership accounts, and some is requested so that we can be of better service (contact information like email addresses and phone numbers, for example). We do not sell or otherwise distribute your contact information or information to anyone.

Our online database systems are stored on a web server, and we go out of our way to ensure that your personal information is protected at all times. However, in the unlikely event of information being compromised, you agree not to hold the Bureau of Humane Law Enforcement, or its partners liable.

We may keep copies of all emails sent by us or or received by you, to assist in tracking order histories, visitor inquiries, or anything related to an investigation. We do not sell or otherwise distribute email addresses to anyone, and all email content remains confidential.

We maintain a strict privacy protocol for all user information. We don't share, trade or sell other people's personal information. Period. We only occasionally use the information in order to update our users on new products, services, special offers, promotions, and anything else we think might be of interest (unless you don't want us to, in which case just let us know and we won't).

Non-identifying Information
We collect all kinds of statistics about visits to our site -- where the visitors came from, what they did and viewed during their visit, what kinds of computers and browsers they use, and where they went when they left. However, we do not (and cannot) collect any personally identifying information (names, email addresses and such) in this way. It is purely for blind marketing statistics.


These policies are subject to change without notice. Please address any questions or comments to


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